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When the first settlers arrived on the Mayflower in 1620 at Plymouth , they had hopes and dreams to found a Nation free of Religious persecution and constraints of the then King of England, King James.

Their voyage was funded by the group The London Group of Merchant Adventurers.

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China is creating a new trade route with Cuba.

Yet this is only a small part of a much bigger plan ... a plan to take over the world.... via trade.

It is Part of their bridge plan. The new Silk Road. 

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When my kids threw tantrum many decades ago, they got sent to the laundry room to calm down. That way, they could throw things, scream, yell and do no damage to the home or themselves. Eventually, they would get tired and stop crying and lie down on the rug and fall asleep, ready to wake up happily and without angst.

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Imagine a nation with Islam, China, lefties, greens, feminists and gays and trans all fighting for control.

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Our elected Government Representatives are defying our wishes and importing terrorists. They are importing people who are bleeding our tax payer funded social security. Our Government is destroying our culture, our Religious foundation and our rights to speak freely and go shopping without being frightened of being shot, blown up or our throats cut with a knife.

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The Lost Generation - Drugs have stolen our young People.

This has to stop. Parents are ignoring it, hoping it will go away..

Meanwhile,  our Grandkids are dying but, apparently, therapy will make them better..

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Redhead laments the loss of her Grandson's masculinity. It seems that grandkids today are not turning out quite as we expected. 

The question of course is why boys are turning in to girls?

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In 1929 a Brisbane based Engineer, Dr JJ Bradfield, came up with a plan. A plan that could change Australia forever. The Bradfield Scheme. The man who designed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Underground Railway system and Brisbane's Storey Bridge came up with a plan to drought proof Australia forever. Yet it has never been implemented. Why?

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It is " something Day " somewhere in the world almost everyday it seems. I just watched a video clip where a young lady interviewed folk in Florida about what was then the upcoming State of the Union Address in America. On the streets of Florida, she asked a simple question : what is the SOTU ( State of the Union) and the results were sadly, unsurprising. The people had no idea what it was.

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censorship  It costs a lot of time and money to run a site. So I signed up for some affiliate advertising a few days ago. I started ads and got a few commissions. Whew.     But to day, I got an email. My account has been suspended. Should I be angry or pleased?. 

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boats  Thanks lefties, The boats are on their way. Maybe not yet, but mark my words, the boarding passes are being issued, the fares being paid and the bags being packed. Derryn Hinch put the nail in Australia's coffin, so neatly crafted made by the Australian Medical Association Past President, Ms Phelps. I had hoped that the boat years were gone. But no, they are back. Flashback to Christmas Island.

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