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Do you remember the days when people had white lace curtains whereby they could see out but no one could see in?

Well, I just got some. OK, not lace, but “ sheers”  as they are called today. They let you see out the window but no one can see in.

No one can see in. Think about it.  Are we going back to an Iron Curtain?

I hung them and they are amazing. I can look out at who passes by my window and the neat thing is that I can view the passersby and they cannot view me. Much like a VPN really.

In my home, I am safe. I live behind deadlocks and security screens and now “ sheers “ and it is only when I venture “ outside “ that I become unshielded, unprotected and vulnerable. Whist I am within my space, I am free to think, to watch, to listen and to hear. To say what I want to my cat, to express my views.

But, when I disconnect the VPN, I pull back the curtains, I am open for the world to see and the new Thought Police are able to probe my mind, my opinions and my values and carry me off to “ The Big House “ for daring to commit the heinous crime of HATE SPEECH.

Today, I live behind a curtain.  And so should you.

Our lives are controlled and monitored by CCTV, MSM, censorship of internet access and legislation. We are threatened with and subject to laws that seek to close the windows of our minds and right to form our own opinions.

We read of terrorist attacks and read of hatred and violence.  Yet we do not read of other terrorist attacks, hatred and violence. We only receive the view that has been chosen for us.

If you do not live behind a curtain, then you need to consider buying a few “ sheers “ so that you can watch the madness of the world, listen to the insanity going on around us and make up your own mind as to how the hell we got where we are today.

Without the curtains, you will find that your view of the world is somehow skewed and not rendering correctly. You may see, hear and read things that are, well, less than accurate.

The only way we can have an open view of the world in today’s uncertain and troubling times is to put up a curtain.

How crazy is that?





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